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Lots of amusement rides are hot sales, so LIMEIQI will talk about the features they own.

Author:yisainuo2018 Time:2018-06-21

1. Patent
 LIMEIQI continue to develop patented products, products is very popular all over the world, it is unique and different.
2. Keeping man’s interest enduring
Good amusement rides can make man play repeatedly and let them think from different views.
3. Aiming at different ages of man
Amusement rides should have distinctions owing to man’s ages and talents.
4. Stimulating Sensation
Good amusement rides can offer appropriate sensations, such as special sounds, different touch, bright colors and lively appearances, which all can stimulate children’s vison, hearing, smell, touch and so on.
5. Openness
There should no limited use to the rides, so children can personally develop and find all possible playing ways. The rides in this ways can let children generate new ideas to promote their growth.
6. Being able to play together
Children love playing with their peers or parents, so the rides should be able to make more than 2 persons play together. More importantly, playing with children, parents can promote their relationship with them.
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